Site Dedication
The Browning Laboratories, Inc. website is dedicated in memory of
Gardiner G. Greene, Sr. In 1954 Mr. Greene acquired controlling
interest of Browning Laboratories. His administrative expertise,
coupled with Browning's firmly established reputation for precision
engineering gave Browning Laboratories a new direction, a new
product line and yet another reputation. His exacting standards
created the most-desired and sought-after CB equipment in the
world - the Browning Golden Eagle series.
The Rebirth of Browning Laboratories, Inc.
After a 20-year 'hiatus' the Browning Laboratories, Inc. name was officially
revived as an Oklahoma corporation on October 27, 1999. Our main objective
is to maintain and preserve the renowned Browning CB tradition. Our intent is
to provide the highest quality customer service, goods and site information.
Browning set the CB industry standard in 1959, and that standard has never
been met by any other manufacturer. The world-famous Browning base
and mobil CB radios are the undisputed leaders in workmanship and
performance. Browning is still the #1 name in CB! Many of these classic
rigs, some dating back 50 years, are still in active use. You don't have to
listen to the 11-meter band very long before hearing the familiar Browning ping!
From the Browning Golden Eagle Guestbook
01/03/00 - 04:57:52PM
Name/Handle: Gar Greene (Birdman)
How did you find us? Referred
Where are you from? New Hampshire
Do you own Browning equipment? Yes, I own a few sets, but am not on the air.
Comments: Glenn, Thank you very much for the tribute to my father,
Gardiner G. Greene, here on the New Browning website. Sadly, he
passed away in 1981, but he would have been proud of the loyal
Browning following...Keep up the good work.
Gar Greene, Jr. - Browning President (1968-1979)
Browning - bringing people together....again